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The Best Practices for Safe Gun Storage

The Best Practices for Safe Gun Storage

17 minute read

As a responsible gun owner, following these six steps to prepare and store your arms is essential. It ensures the security of your firearms and the safety of yourself, your household members, and any visitors.

It starts with selecting the right safe based on your needs and budget. Then you need to prepare everything for storage and install your case for maximum security. Next, you'll create a reliable inventory list before storing your guns properly and in a well-organized manner.

Finally, we'll review locking up your vault and having emergency plans in place. Storing your weapons requires constant monitoring and making sure you can handle situations when things don't go to plan.

By diligently following this proactive list for gun storage, you can rest assured that your firearms are protected from theft or unauthorized access. It promotes firearm safety within your home while also ensuring that your protection is ready when you need it the most.

1. Choose the Right Gun Safe

The starting point is selecting the right gun safe. This is an essential part as it provides a secure spot to prevent unauthorized access. It keeps weapons away from children, but also makes sure thieves can't take your prized possessions.

Finding the right option is a matter of understanding your needs and the available features. Once you understand those two factors, selecting the right safe is easy, especially if you stick to the carefully curated selection at Mammoth Safes.

Size and Capacity

The most important part of selecting any gun storage product is making sure it can fit your entire selection. And don't forget to leave a little room for growing your collection.

You can get a small product for rapid access to handguns, or a massive heavy-duty choice that has space for your long guns, pistols, and all their accessories. Many have doors where you can keep all types of items, plus plentiful shelves and even hangers for other ammunition and accessories.

Locking Mechanism

Another main consideration for any safe is the locking mechanism. The classic mechanical locks are still around and are a great way to keep your guns secure. But digital locks and biometric scanners are now a common feature too.

These typically use your fingerprint to provide rapid access but also have backup options such as a combination or a key. They're a great way to provide identity verification so you can be certain that the only people who access your weapons are those who are supposed to get in.

We'll cover these in detail in the last step about locking your gun storage safe.

Construction and Fire Protection

The final aspects you'll want to be aware of when you're shopping are the construction and the fire protection. Many options come with advanced fire protection measures, with specific ratings and certifications to showcase their ability to get through the worst disasters.

Also, you should review how thick the materials are, what they're made from, and how the hinges are designed. One of the main vulnerabilities to any security box is the hinges, so be especially sure to take note of that characteristic.

Once you have purchased your new gun safe from Mammoth Safes, it's time to get your weapons ready.

2. Prepare Your Guns for Storage

Before you start tossing firearms and ammunition into your storage space, you should take a moment to prepare everything. Guns are amazingly durable, but they've also fine-tuned items that should be properly taken care of. Before storing, it is important to inspect your weapons for any issues that may arise during prolonged downtime and lubricate them after cleaning.

Cleaning Your Firearms

Begin the cleaning process by ensuring that your firearms are unloaded and following the manufacturer's instructions for disassembly. Use a cleaning kit specifically designed for firearms to remove dirt, debris, and residue from all parts. Pay special attention to the barrel, chamber, bolt or slide assembly, and any other moving parts that may accumulate grime over time.

  • Solvent: Apply a solvent to loosen fouling and deposits inside the barrel and other hard-to-reach areas.
  • Bore Brush: Use a bore brush with bristles made of bronze or nylon to scrub away loosened debris from inside the barrel.
  • Patches: Run cotton patches through the bore until they come out clean - this ensures all remaining residue has been removed.

Lubricating Your Firearms

Lubrication is crucial in maintaining proper function and preventing rust or corrosion on your guns' metal surfaces. Use high-quality firearm-specific oil or grease when lubricating your weapons. Avoid using household oils such as WD-40 since these can attract dust particles which could cause malfunctions later on. Apply a thin layer of lubricant onto moving parts like slides/bolts and pivot points, as well as any areas prone to rusting (e.g., the exterior of the barrel).

Inspecting Your Firearms

Before storing your weapons in a safe, take some time to inspect them for any potential issues that may arise during extended periods without use. Check for signs of wear or damage on moving parts and springs.

If you notice anything unusual, consult with a professional gunsmith before putting your firearm away.

In addition to cleaning and lubricating your firearms, consider investing in storage accessories such as silicone-treated gun socks or dehumidifiers. These can help protect against moisture buildup which could lead to rust formation over time.

Properly preparing your guns for storage helps ensure their safety and longevity. Securing a gun vault is the subsequent step in guarding your weapons against burglary, flame, or other harm.

3. Install Your Gun Safe

After purchasing a high-quality gun safe from Mammoth Safes, it's time to securely mount it to a wall or floor using the provided hardware and instructions. After all, a vault that isn't bolted down is just a heavy-duty box. Proper installation ensures that your firearms are not only protected from theft but also remain stable in case of an emergency, such as an earthquake or fire.

Selecting the Right Location

Opt for a spot to place your gun box that is both secure and conveniently accessible in the event of needing to rapidly get hold of your firearms. Consider placing it in a room with limited access points, such as a basement or closet, where it can be hidden from plain sight. Additionally, make sure there is enough space for proper ventilation and easy maintenance.

Anchoring Your Safe

  1. Determine anchor points: Identify suitable anchor points on either the floor or wall where you will attach it. Ensure these locations provide adequate support for the weight when it's fully loaded.

  2. Mark drill holes: Use a marker pen to mark drilling spots on both surfaces (floor/wall) according to manufacturer guidelines included with your Mammoth Safe purchase.

  3. Drill pilot holes: Using appropriate drill bits based on material type (concrete/wood), carefully drill pilot holes at marked spots while ensuring they align correctly with mounting brackets.

  4. Bolt down anchors: Meticulously bolt down anchors into drilled pilot holes using supplied bolts and washers until tight enough so that no movement occurs when attempting to move the installed safe.

Securing Your Safe to the Wall

If you prefer wall mounting, follow similar steps as mentioned above for anchoring your weapons safe. However, it's crucial to locate and mark studs in the wall before drilling pilot holes. Use a stud finder or consult with a professional if unsure about locating studs correctly.

Double-Check Installation Stability

Once your safe is securely anchored to either the floor or wall, give it a thorough inspection by attempting to move or shake it gently. If there is no movement and everything appears stable, you have successfully installed your Mammoth Safe.

Secure mounting is essential for guaranteeing the protection of your firearms. Creating a record of the contents is recommended to ensure you are aware of what is packed inside.

4. Keep an Inventory List

One crucial step in preparing and storing your guns is keeping an accurate inventory list. This helps you keep track of all the firearms, accessories, and important documents hidden inside your safe. It also makes it easier to locate specific items when needed and ensures that nothing goes missing or gets misplaced.

Create an Inventory Spreadsheet

To easily create and manage your inventory list, consider using a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel. You can use separate columns for the make, model, serial number, caliber, purchase date, and value of each firearm, as well as any additional information you deem necessary. Additionally, include rows for other valuables such as ammunition boxes or cleaning supplies.

Take Photos of Your Firearms

In addition to listing details about each item on your spreadsheet, take clear photos of every firearm from different angles. These images will serve as visual documentation should you ever need to file insurance claims due to theft or damage. Keep these digital files securely by backing them up on external hard drives or cloud services like Google Drive.

Update Your Inventory Regularly

  • Add new purchases: Whenever you acquire new firearms or accessories for your collection, remember to update your inventory list accordingly.

  • Maintain records: Keep receipts and warranty information organized alongside the corresponding entries in the spreadsheet.

  • Schedule regular updates: Set reminders at least once per year (or more frequently if preferred) to review and update your inventory list.

Make a Copy of Your Inventory List

Keep a copy of your inventory list outside the gun vault so you have access to crucial information even if you're unable to open it or if it gets damaged. It's worth storing this backup copy in a secure location, such as a bank deposit box or with trusted family members.

In addition to maintaining an accurate inventory list, following proper weapon practices will help ensure that your firearms remain protected and easily accessible when needed. By keeping track of all items stored, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that everything is accounted for and well-organized.

Maintaining a log of your weapons and ammo guarantees that you are aware precisely of what you possess and where it's located. Once you're at this point, it's time to load it up and take a giant step toward proper stowing.

5. Store Your Guns Properly

A place for everything, and everything in its place. Organizing your guns maximizes the space, keeps them secure, and helps you remember exactly where they are. By following these tips, you can ensure that your firearms are stored safely and efficiently within your Mammoth gun safe, always ready when you need them.

Use Dividers or Shelves

To keep your firearms organized, consider using dividers or shelves specifically designed for this purpose. These accessories will help separate your items and prevent them from touching each other, which could cause scratches or damage over time.

  • Rifle Rods: Used to pack away long guns vertically while saving space. They work by attaching a Velcro pad to the underside of a shelf, then sliding the rod into the barrel of each rifle.

  • Pistol Racks: Allows you to keep pistols horizontally on one or multiple levels, depending on how many pistols you have.

  • Muzzle-Down Holders: Storing rifles muzzle-down helps prevent oil from seeping into sensitive parts like stocks and triggers while also making it easier to access specific firearms when needed.

Keep Ammunition Separate

In addition to organizing your firearms themselves, it's vital to keep ammunition separate from guns inside the vault. This practice ensures safety by preventing accidental discharges if someone gains unauthorized access to your storage unit without knowing how everything works.

  1. Create designated areas for ammo: You can use plastic bins with lids or even repurpose an old toolbox as an ammunition container.

  2. Label your ammo: Clearly label each container with the caliber and type of ammunition it contains to avoid confusion when you need to access it quickly.

Store Accessories Alongside Firearms

Storing accessories, such as cleaning kits, holsters, or scopes in the safe alongside firearms is beneficial for easy access by keeping everything in one spot.

  1. Use small storage containers: Organize smaller items like cleaning supplies and tools in separate compartments within larger bins or boxes that can be kept on shelves.

  2. Add hooks or pegs: Attach hooks or pegs to the interior walls for hanging holsters and other gear so they don't take up valuable shelf space meant for firearms themselves.

Taking these steps will helps properly secure everything within your Mammoth gun safe while maximizing available space and maintaining easy access. 

Remember to always prioritize safety by following proper practices and anti-theft measures. Cases, socks, and other accessories can also help protect your firearms during times of extended idleness. Let's work together to keep our communities safe. To ensure that only approved people can access your firearm, it is imperative to lock it.

6. Lock Up Your Safe

Even the most secure case is worthless when it's not properly sealed. Don't wait to secure everything during an emergency. The safe should be fully secured at all times, only unlocked during the brief moments you need access.

Employ a dependable protection system that hinders any unauthorized entry to guarantee the highest level of security when storing firearms. There are various types of locks available for weapon boxes, including combination, keypad, and biometric.

Part of proper storing also means creating emergency plans. With biometric scanners and other items that might fail, you should be prepared for the worst to happen and have alternative means to gain access when needed. It's also best to make sure another person has access if you become incapacitated.

Combination Locks

Combination locks have been used for decades as an effective security measure on safes. These mechanical devices require you to enter a series of numbers or symbols in the correct sequence to unlock it. The main advantage of combination security is its reliability. They don't need batteries or electronic components, which can be points of failure.

  • No need for keys or power sources
  • Durable and long-lasting design
  • Potentially more challenging for intruders to crack than digital alternatives

Keypad Locks

Keypad locks, also known as electronic or digital locks, allow you to enter a unique code using buttons or touchscreens instead of rotating dials like traditional combination systems do. Keypad lock advantages include ease-of-use and quick entry during emergencies while offering customizable codes which can be quickly changed.

  • Faster access compared to dial-based combinations
  • No need to remember complex sequences
  • Multiple user codes are possible
  • Can be integrated with additional security features

Biometric Scanners

Many modern storage solutions utilize fingerprint and other biometric data to keep your firearms secure, but also provide incredibly fast access when needed. These can be used together with mechanical combination and keypad locks, or as an entirely separate way to gain access.

  • Typically the most rapid access
  • Provides identity verification, keeping out unauthorized people
  • Can program for multiple people
  • Retains mechanical options in case of failure

Backups and Emergency Plans

Most of the time, your lock will work exactly as you expect. But then there are times when the unexpected comes your way. While it may seem unlikely, being prepared for these situations can make all the difference. And it's not that difficult to do, as long as you plan ahead.

The two main points are to make sure you have backup methods to access your safe, plus an emergency plan so someone reliable and trustworthy can access it even if you can't. You should also regularly update the combination or passwords used to access the safe or confidential information related to it.

Create a Physical and/or Digital Backup

The first step is to create a copy of your combination or key. Write down the numbers or codes on a piece of paper and keep it in a separate secure location. This can be kept in another secure container such as fireproof document boxes, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access it.

You can also make an encrypted digital backup of your combination. There are various applications available online that allow users to secure sensitive information securely using encryption technology. Ensure you select an app with strong safety features and back up the data often.

  • Never share: Do not share your combination through email, text messages, social media platforms, or any other form of communication susceptible to hacking attempts.

  • Password Manager: If storing digitally, use reputable password managers like LastPass or Dashlane which offer high levels of encryption and security measures for protecting sensitive information like combinations.

  • Maintain Privacy: Ensure only trusted family members know where copies are kept. Avoid discussing locations openly with others who may not have your best interests at heart.

Emergency Access Plan

In case of an emergency, it's essential to have a plan in place for retrieving the combination quickly. Designate one or two trusted individuals who know how to retrieve this information. Ensure they are familiar with opening procedures for Mammoth Safes' gun safes.

Taking these steps will provide peace of mind knowing that you have multiple secure methods for accessing your weapons. You can still keep them protected from unauthorized users and gain rapid access when needed. But if you can't be the one do to so, at least someone you trust can.

Regularly Update Your Combination and Passwords

To further enhance the security of your weapons storage, consider changing its combination periodically. This can help prevent unauthorized access if someone manages to discover the code. Make sure you update all copies (physical and digital) whenever a change is made.

If you choose to put the combination or inventory list in a secure electronic method, it's wise to regularly update the password for it. Using a complex password with letters, numbers, and special characters will help. And the longer the password, the more difficult it is to crack.

FAQs for 6 Steps to Prepare & Store Your Guns in a Safe

What is the recommended method to safely store guns?

  • The recommended method for safely storing guns involves using a high-quality gun safe, ensuring firearms are unloaded and properly prepared, installing it securely, maintaining an inventory list, organizing guns appropriately, and locking it with a secure combination. Regular maintenance of firearms and their vaults is also essential.

What is the order of operations for a gun?

  • The order of operations for handling a firearm includes: 1) Treat every gun as if it's loaded; 2) Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot; 3) Never point at anything you don't intend to destroy; 4) Be aware of your target and what's beyond it. Following these basic rules ensures safety when handling or operating firearms.

Should I put a mat under my gun safe?

  • Placing a mat under your gun safe can be beneficial in preventing damage to floors from heavy weight or potential scratches during installation. It may also provide additional grip on smooth surfaces, reducing movement or sliding risks. Ensure that any mat used does not compromise the stability or security features provided by anchoring systems.

Is it better to store guns vertically or horizontally?

  • Guns should ideally be stored vertically in racks within safes designed specifically for this purpose. Vertical storage helps prevent long-term pressure on specific parts that could lead to deformation over time while allowing easy access and visibility without needing excessive handling each time you open it.


Being a responsible gun owner means abiding by proper gun storage techniques. By following a six-step procedure, you can ensure your firearms are kept only within reach of those authorized to use them, boosting safety while preventing theft.

First, purchase a gun safe that can fit everything you own and has the characteristics you're looking for. Then prepare your guns by cleaning them thoroughly and applying a light coat of oil. Next, choose a suitable location and install it correctly. Create a list of inventory and copy the combination for easy access.

Carefully organize your ammunition, firearms, and other accessories. Use gun cases or sleeves to protect them from scratches and other damage. Place them inside with the barrels facing down and the triggers locked. This will prevent accidental discharge and keep your guns in good condition.

Finally, lock up your gun safe and store the key or combination in a secure location. By taking these precautions, you can be sure that your firearms are well-protected and secure.

If you're looking for high-quality gun safes and security products, visit Mammoth Safes. Our range of sizes and designs can meet any need or budget.

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